Latest Validation: November 2016
BPR: Version 3.91
Worksheet Version: 071416a
Updated: April 2017, May 2017, Sept 2017, Jan 2018, November 2018, July 2019, August 2019, February 2020, March 2020, June 2020
High Impact Best Practices: 20 of 21 are met. 1 is not met.
Claim line denials reported on the 835 with CO45/N20 actually were adjudicated with CO97, not separately payable, and CO45 /N20. These claims have CO45 with the adjusted amount and CO97 with zero amount. Because adjustments with zero dollars are not sent in the 835s, only the CO45s are present. This is a code issue. Action to be taken: Will be corrected. Completion Date: This Service Request has moved from a research SR to an actual Production SR, tentatively scheduled for a November 2020 release.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 11 of 11 are met.
Aetna currently uses CARC 18 for denial situations other than “an exact duplicate claim/service line was submitted’, e.g. corrected claims. In March 2017, CO18 was returned for claims with Same Patient, Date of Service and procedure, but different rendering providers with different specialties. Action to be taken: Completed projects regarding the manual and automated processing of voided and corrected claims
- ERAs containing HMO and non-HMO claims sent in as corrections to originals should be received back as corrections to originals rather than denied as duplicates.
- Single segment correction and void claims have been addressed.
- Multi segment replacement and void claims have been addressed.
Completion Date: November 2019. 02-04: Confirmed by providers as completed.
Calculate Impact of Prior Payer (CAS*OA*23):
- Create X = 1st Plan Paid + 1st Plan Provider Write-off
- Create Y = Submitted – Aetna Patient Responsibility – Aetna Paid
- Create Z = Y – X
Impact of Primary Payer (CAS*OA*23)=
- If Z = 0, populate with X
- If Z < 0, populate with Y
Y=489.80-101.50-82.29 = 306.01
Q1. Might Aetna split 8371 claims with 18 or less lines?
A: Yes:
- 8371 claims in excess of 18 lines are split due to line limits on our auto adjudication system.
- 8371 claims may split if line splits or unbundling occur that result in more than 18 lines.
- Claims are also split to expedite partial payment for lines finalized vs lines held for high dollar amount authorization or lines pended for clinical review.
- Claims are split if the total billed amount exceeds the auto adjudication limit of $99,999.99.
Q2. Might some of the claim splits be denied as duplicates?
A: Not intentionally.
- If a claim is manually processed there is a margin of human error that could occur.
- The auto adjudication system that may split a claim assigns sequence numbers to the original claim id. Sequential suffixes of the original claim id are considered the same claim.
Latest Validation: Sept 2014
BPR: Version 3.4
Worksheet Version: 042214a
High Impact Best Practices: 16 of 20 are met. 4 are not met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 7 of 10 are met. 3 are not met.
Latest Validation: May 2014
BPR: Version 3.4
Worksheet Version: 042214a
Updated: July 9, 2015
High Impact Best Practices: 19 of 19 are met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 10 of 11 are met. 1 is not met.
In situations of dual Asuris coverage, there is no TT indicator in either file showing that claims are being crossed over. Action to be Taken: None. Due to system limitations this is not something we will implement.
Note: The Claim Received Date that is put in DTM*050 will be the date that the claim was received by Asuris.
Latest Validation: June 2018
BPR: Version 3.91
Worksheet Version: 071416a
Updated: July 2018, March 2019
High Impact Best Practices: 5 of 21 are not met. 16 are met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 11 of 11 are met.
Note: The Claim Received Date that is put in DTM*050 will be the date that the claim was received by CHPW.
Latest Validation: February 2019
BPR: Version 3.91
Worksheet Version: 071416a
High Impact Best Practices: 20 of 22 are met. 2 are not met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 12 of 12 are met.
Latest Validation: Sept 2014
BPR: Version 3.4
Worksheet Version: 042214a
High Impact Best Practices: 15 of 20 are met. 5 are not met.
In reporting information in the PLB:
- PLB03-2 may contain a date rather than the patient control number. Action to be Taken: None Reported by health plan.
- When processing payment recovery, a partial payment may be taken back rather than taking back the entire payment and reprocessing the claim. Action to be Taken: None Reported by health plan.
- The correction is displayed prior to the reversal. Action to be Taken: None Reported by health plan.
- The adjustment Group and Reason Codes for the reversal are not always the same as were used on the original adjudication. Action to be Taken: None Reported by health plan.
Claim Status Code of ‘4’ is used in denial situations other than when the patient/subscriber is not recognized by the health plan. Action to be Taken: None Reported by health plan.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 8 of 10 are met. 2 are not met.
Latest Validation: December 2017
BPR: Version 3.91
Worksheet Version: 071416a
Updated: January 2019, March 2019
Lines of Business: All
High Impact Best Practices: 20 of 21 are met. 1 is not met.
For dual coverage reporting, the primary payer’s contractual allowance is not being reported on the secondary claim portion of the 835. The secondary write off is being reported as a Contractual Allowance (CO). Per the TR3 and the BPR, the primary payer’s contractual allowance should be reported as an Other Adjustment (OA) and any secondary payer’s write off as a CO. Action to be taken: Not yet in the priority queue. Completion Date: None
Medium Impact Best Practices: 10 of 11 are met. 1 is not met.
The REF*CE does not contain the contract that applies to the claim (which should be the same contract name that is contained in the 271 response). Also, Options file contain both the old GHO and KPS. Action to be taken: SR629 – Not yet prioritized. Completion Date: None
Note: The Claim Received Date that is put in DTM*050 will be the date that the claim was received by KP.
Latest Validation: August 2013
BPR: Version 3.2
Worksheet Version: 041613a
Updated: February 2014
High Impact Best Practices: 16 of 17 are met. 1 is not met.
837-835 Information
- Alpha prefix of the Subscriber ID is not always returned on the 835. Action to be taken: To be fixed, in analysis and design. Date TBD
- When 2 claims (each with a different patient control number) for the same patient, for similar services and on same day – are being bundled, with the 2 different patient control numbers (837, CLM01) they are combined in the 835 and reported in the CLP01 as ‘number/number’. Action to be taken: Solution being researched and discussed internally. Date TBD
Medium Impact Best Practices: 11 of 11 are met.
Note: The Claim Received Date that is put in DTM*050 will be the date that the claim was received by Lifewise. Should a request for additional information be sent out during adjudication, but the information is received after the claim is closed/rejected, a new claim will be opened and DTM*050 will contain the date that the new information was received.
Latest Validation: November 2014
BPR: Version 3.5
Worksheet Version: 091514a
Updated: December 2017, November 2018, September 2019
High Impact Best Practices: 18 of 20 are met. 2 are not met.
The information was returned correctly. For WA State Medicaid, Outpatient Medicare Crossovers are priced at header, therefore (per the TR3) no line level information will be returned on the RA.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 10 of 11 are met. 1 is not met.
No date is put into Claim Received Date (DTM segment of Loop 2100) as prompt pay discounts do not apply to Washington Medicaid.
Latest Validation: June 2016
BPR: Version 3.9
Worksheet Version: 051415a
High Impact Best Practices: 18 of 20 are met. 2 are not met.
The TR3 states that NM101, NM102, NM108, and NM109 are required, and the other elements in that segment are situational. NM103 (patient name) would be required if necessary for identification of the provider, but since the individual NPI in NM109 identifies the provider, NM103 would remain situational.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 10 of 11 are met. 1 is not met.
The REF*CE was not used to report the contract. Action to be taken: None – as current approach is compliant with the TR3
The TR3 states that CE would be used in the instance of a PPO, or in the instance of multiple contract types being used by one payer. Since there are not PPOs or sub-contract types used by Medicare Part B of Washington (or other states), Medicare would not utilize the REF*CE segment.
Latest Validation: March 2015
BPR: Version 3.6
Worksheet Version: 091514a
Updated: August 2017
High Impact Best Practices: 20 of 21 are met. 1 is not met.
On remittances for secondary claims, the OA23 amount is not always calculated correctly. Action to be taken: The OA 23 will reflect the primary payer’s payments and/or adjustments. To be completed: Change will be in production by 4Q2017.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 10 of 10 are met.
The REF*CE segment contains the Benefit Plan ID. The attached table matches the PlanID to the Plan Description.
Benefit Plan ID | Benefit Plan Description |
QMXBP6725 | BHP (Basic Health Plan) |
QMXBP6746 | BHP - HCTC |
QMXBP7780 | BHP - AI_AN |
QMXBP7903 | Apple Health Foster Care (AHFC) |
QMXBP7986 | Z - Apple Health Adult (AHA) |
QMXBP6727 | Apple Health Family/Pregnancy Medical (AHFAM) |
84481003000203 | Z-2014 Molina Silver LCS Plan |
84481003000205 | Z-2014 Molina Silver 150 Plan |
84481005000101 | Molina Gold Plan |
84481005000205 | Molina Silver 150 Plan |
84481005000206 | Molina Silver 100 Plan |
84481006000204 | Molina Choice Silver 200 Plan |
84481006000206 | Molina Choice Silver 100 Plan |
84481006000303 | Molina Choice Bronze LCS Plan |
84481003000101 | Z-2014 Molina Gold Plan |
84481003000103 | Z-2014 Molina Gold LCS Plan |
84481003000206 | Z-2014 Molina Silver 100 Plan |
84481004000102 | Z-2015 Molina Bronze AI/AN Plan |
84481005000202 | Molina Silver AI/AN Plan |
84481005000203 | Molina Silver LCS Plan |
84481005000204 | Molina Silver 200 Plan |
84481006000301 | Molina Choice Bronze Plan |
84481006000302 | Molina Choice Bronze AI/AN Plan |
84481003000201 | Z-2014 Molina Silver 250 Plan |
84481004000101 | Z-2015 Molina Bronze Plan |
84481005000102 | Z-2016 Molina Gold AI/AN Plan |
84481005000201 | Molina Silver 250 Plan |
Latest Validation: August 2013
BPR: Version 3.2
Worksheet Version: 041613a
Last Status Reported: June 2018, December 2018
High Impact Best Practices: 16 of 17 are met. 1 is not met.
837-835 Information
- When 2 claims (each with a different patient control number) for the same patient, for similar services and on same day – are being bundled, with the 2 different patient control numbers (837, CLM01) they are combined in the 835 and reported in the CLP01 as ‘number/number’. Action to be taken: A 2019 Corrected Claims Project (Operations) is underway, this issue will be one of the ones to be explored. Date TBD
Medium Impact Best Practices: 11 of 11 are met.
Note: The Claim Received Date that is put in DTM*050 will be the date that the claim was received by Premera. Should a request for additional information be sent out during adjudication, but the information is received after the claim is closed/rejected, a new claim will be opened and DTM*050 will contain the date that the new information was received.
Latest Validation: May 2014
BPR: Version 3.4
Worksheet Version: 042214a
Updated: July 9, 2015
High Impact Best Practices: 19 of 19 are met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 10 of 11 are met. 1 is not met.
In situations of dual Regence coverage, there is no TT indicator in either file showing that claims are being crossed over. Action to be Taken: None. Due to system limitations this is not something we will implement.
Note: The Claim Received Date that is put in DTM*050 will be the date that the claim was received by Regence.
Latest Validation: December 2016
BPR: Version 3.91
Worksheet Version: 071416a
High Impact Best Practices: 22 of 22 are met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 10 of 10 are met.
Latest Validation: February 2017
BPR: Version 2.9
Worksheet Version: 091312a
High Impact Best Practices: 17 of 17 are met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 11 of 11 are met.
Note: For Institutional claims that are sent electronically or on paper, only claim level payment information will be reported on the 835
Latest Validation: July 2015
BPR: Version 3.8
Worksheet Version: 051415a
Updated: August 2017, November 2017, December 2018, August 2019, September 2019, December 2019
High Impact Best Practices: 20 of 21 are met. 1 is not met.
When an 837 is submitted for a patient that cannot be found as a member in UHC’s system, ‘member unknown’ is reported on the 835 rather than the patient’s name that was submitted on the 837. Action to be taken: Initially completed on Q1 2019. Issues identified during provider revalidation. Under development at UHC. Completion Date: 1Q2020
For their Managed Medicaid product, when multiple patient IDs are sent on an 837, the 835 does not always reflect the IDs back as they were sent on the claim. Action to be taken: None – See Note 1 below. Completion Date: Not Applicable
Medium Impact Best Practices: 8 of 10 are met. 2 are not met.
Sent claims are sometimes denied with CARC 18 RARC N522 and later reversed and paid, sometimes on the same remit. Action to be taken: Awaiting UHC Response. Completion Date: Completion validated by Providers 9/2019.
Latest Validation: January 2014
BPR: Version 3.3
Worksheet Version: 090313a
Last Status Reported: April 4, 2017
UHC-West is handling take-back recovery at the claim level rather than using a PLB (which is the provider-preferred approach).
High Impact Best Practices: 17 of 17 are met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 11 of 11 are met.
Latest Validation: May 2016
BPR: Version 3.91
Worksheet Version: 051415a
Updated: October 2017
High Impact Best Practices: 20 of 20 are met.
Medium Impact Best Practices: 11 of 11 are met.
Group Code “CO” is used with CARC 18 which is appropriate in cases of Workman’s Compensation.