Foundation Program Sites

FAQ for CAQH Transition

The Administrative Simplification Program has been engaged in a process to consider future vendors for the ongoing credentialing activities required by RCW 48.43.750(1)(a) and convened a credentialing working group. The Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) has authorized the use of other vendors or other methods through a waiver process and tasked the working group with recommending a long-term solution for WA State credentialing. The working group, represented by health plans, providers, and Associations, recommended CAQH as the new credentialing vendor for WA State starting in 2024. We encourage you to begin your transition to CAQH. 

FAQ for Providers & Credentialing Staff

  • Will all health plans be able to access my application through CAQH on January 1, 2024?
    Most health plans already have access to applications through CAQH, and others are beginning the contracting and implementation process as a result of the working group decision.
    You will find a list of the health plans and how they accept applications through the transition period on the main credentialing page.
  • I completed my CAQH application, but a health plan is telling me they cannot access my information. Why is that?
    Once you have completed an application, you must identify the health plans who can access your application. If you have not granted access to a health plan, they cannot retrieve your application.
    For more information please contact CAQH.

FAQ for Health Plans


  • If you have any questions about ProviderSource or Client Portal, please contact Medversant at 213.433.7505 for assistance. 
  • If you are a provider, or credentialing staff and need help with your OneHealthPort Single Sign-On Subscriber account, please contact OneHealthPort at 1.800.973.4797 for assistance.
  • For questions or assistance with your CAQH account, please contact the CAQH Solution Center: 1.888.599.1771.
  • For all other questions or to provide feedback, please contact us