Foundation Program Sites


Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias

Guideline title: Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementia’s Report and Guidelines

Publication status: Needs major review – to be scheduled

Date of publication: 2017

Date of last evidence search: 2017

Scope: Diagnosis, ongoing care and support, advance care planning and palliative care, need for increased support and/or higher levels of care, preparing for potential hospitalization, and screening for delirium risk.

Methods: Current guidelines and literature review and expert consensus

Description: The goal of the guidelines are to support patients, their family members, and other caregivers across the disease process. The workgroup developed a roadmap for implementation outlining the patient perspective for optimal care alongside operational details for each of the six areas walking through the current state, intermediate steps toward implementation of the guidelines, and a description of optimal care.  Specific steps for stakeholder groups including: patients and family members, primary care practices and systems (including primary care providers), health plans, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and Washington State agencies to improve quality of dementia care, health outcomes of people with dementia and their caregivers, and affordability.

Supporting Materials

Letter from the Health Care Authority Accepting the Total Knee and Total Hip Replacement Bundle and Warranty and the Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Report and Recommendations
Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Final Charter

To support health system improvement the Bree Collaborative has created operational measures that are designed to help measure progress on the implementation of our guidelines.These measures were developed in collaboration with subject matter experts and are aligned across audience types (such as state agencies, health plans, providers, community organizations, employers, etc.)

To use our operational measures, find the audience type, or types, that is closest to your organization and download the measures document. There may be more than one audience type that is relevant. For example, large health systems may want to track progress at both the organizational level and the individual practitioner level.

Operational measures are also aligned with the Bree Collaborative’s self-report data collection efforts. Organizations are not required to report on operational measures, however organizations can submit data to help track system wide progress, measure their progress against others, and to be eligible for implementation awards. Instructions for the self-report submission can be found in the section below.

Delivery Site and Health Systems

Health System Evaluation Score Card Health System Score Card – Alzheimers

Health Plans

Health Plan Evaluation Score Card Health Plan Score Card _ Alzheimers

Guideline Metrics

For more generic tools for planing, data collection and data management, please visit our Tool Depot

Member Title Organization
Kristoffer Rhoads, PhD (Chair) Primary Neuropsychologist, Memory and Brain Wellness Center University of Washington Medicine
Kimiko Domoto-Reilly, MD Alzheimer’s Research Center University of Washington Medicine
Richard Furlong, MD Primary Care Virginia Mason Medical Center
Barak Gaster, MD Professor of Medicine University of Washington Medicine
Kelly Green, LICSW Social Worker Evergreen Health
Debbie Hunter Family Caregiver
Nancy Isenberg, MD, MPH, FAAN Neurologist, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology, Center for Healthy Aging & Memory Virginia Mason Medical Center
Arlene Johnson Family Caregiver
Kerry Jurges, MD Primary Care Confluence Health
Eric Larson, MD, MPH Vice President for Research and Health Care Innovation Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington
Todd Larson Family Caregiver
Myriam Marquez Patient Advocate
Shirley Newell, MD Chief Medical Officer Aegis Living
Darrell Owens, DNP, ARNP Clinic Chief, Director University of Washington Outpatient Primary, Palliative and Supportive Care Program
Tatiana Sadak, PhD, ARNP Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Associate Professor of Geriatric Mental Health, University of Washington School of Nursing
Bruce Smith, MD Medical Director Regence Blue Shield

Award Winners for Best Practices in Alzheimer’s and other Dementias Care:

End-of-Life Care

Guideline title: End-of-life Care Report and Guidelines

Publication status: Needs minor revisions – to be scheduled

Date of publication: 2014

Date of last evidence search: 2014

Scope: care planning and tools; advanced directives, and PLOST documentation and dissemination; patient/care giver communication; organizational policy development; staff training

Methods: Current guidelines and literature review and expert consensus

Description: End-of-life care in the United States and within Washington State is strikingly variable and often misaligned with patient preference. Additionally, family members and friends of patients at the end of their life also report care not aligning with patient wishes, in many cases due to unwanted aggressive treatment, and significant financial impact of in-hospital deaths. Appropriately timed advance care planning conversations between providers and patients and between patients and their families and/or caregivers and expressing end-of-life wishes in writing with advance directives and POLST if appropriate, can increase patient confidence, sense of dignity, and the probability
that patient wishes are honored at the time of death.

Supporting Materials

Letter from Health Care Authority Accepting End-of-Life Care Report and Recommendations
Care Public Comment Summary
Workgroup Charter
The Washington State Medical Association’s Know Your Choices Campaign

To support health system improvement the Bree Collaborative has created operational measures that are designed to help measure progress on the implementation of our guidelines.These measures were developed in collaboration with subject matter experts and are aligned across audience types (such as state agencies, health plans, providers, community organizations, employers, etc.)

To use our operational measures, find the audience type, or types, that is closest to your organization and download the measures document. There may be more than one audience type that is relevant. For example, large health systems may want to track progress at both the organizational level and the individual practitioner level.

Operational measures are also aligned with the Bree Collaborative’s self-report data collection efforts. Organizations are not required to report on operational measures, however organizations can submit data to help track system wide progress, measure their progress against others, and to be eligible for implementation awards. Instructions for the self-report submission can be found in the section below.

Delivery Site and Health Systems

Health System Evaluation Score Card Health System Score Card _ EOL

Health Plans

Health Plan Evaluation Score Card Health Plan Score Card _ EOL

Guideline Metrics

For more generic tools for planing, data collection and data management, please visit our Tool Depot

Member Title Organization
Anna Ahrens Director of Patient and Family Support Services MultiCare Health System
J. Randall Curtis, MD, MPH Professor of Medicine, Director University of Washington Palliative Care Center of Excellence
Trudy James Chaplain Heartwork
Bree Johnston, MD Medical Director, Palliative Care PeaceHealth
Abbi Kaplan Principal Abbi Kaplan Company
Timothy Melhorn, MD Internist Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital (YVMH) and the Memorial Foundation
Joanne Roberts, MD Chief Medical Officer, NMR Administration Providence Everett Regional Medical Center
John Robinson, MD (Chair) Chief Medical Officer First Choice Health
Bruce Smith, MD (Vice Chair) Associate Medical Director, Strategy Deployment Group Health Physicians
Richard Stuart, DSW Clinical Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry University of Washington

Award Winners for Best Practices in End-of-life Planning: