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Bree Workgroup: Health Impacts of Extreme Heat

Foundation for Health Care Quality Office 705 Second Ave, Suite 410, Seattle

Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying with a direct impact on health on a regional level. Washington has seen an increase in climate related illnesses including but not limited...

Bree Workgroup: Health Impacts of Extreme Heat

Foundation for Health Care Quality Office 705 Second Ave, Suite 410, Seattle

Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying with a direct impact on health on a regional level. Washington has seen an increase in climate related illnesses including but not limited...

Bree Workgroup: Health Impacts of Extreme Heat

Foundation for Health Care Quality Office 705 Second Ave, Suite 410, Seattle

Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying with a direct impact on health on a regional level. Washington has seen an increase in climate related illnesses including but not limited...