Project exploration to evaluation
The Bree Collaborative IG is divided into a root menu which can be accessed using the drop-down menu under the “IMPLEMENTATION” tab in the tool bar at the top of the page. Topics are grouped into sections by general topics:
- General Topics
- Aging
- Behavioral Health
- Chronic Disease Management
- Infectious Disease Management
- Care Transitions
- Managing Pain
- Oncology
- Reproductive Health
- Surgery
- New Guidelines in Development
Sections are further divided into specific report topics and each topic includes the following sub-sections:
- Guideline information, including year published, scope, language, date for review, last date of evidence search, methods and a general description
- Read online, link to the full report
- Implementation Checklists, by audience
- Resources and Tools
- Metrics and Operational Measures
- Examples of Implementation
The IG is designed to encompasses all stages of implementation, from exploration of a topic to evaluation of a completed project. Case studies and topic specific resources support initial steps for organizations to better understand the scope and requirements an implementation project will need such as planning, staff, time, funding, etc. Each of our reports includes recommendations for specific audiences, such as payor, health care organizations or practitioners, which have been translated into specific checklists for tasks.
Together with subject matter experts, the Bree has also developed operational measures to help implementers gauge progress of the project and demonstrate the achievement of milestones.
The Evaluation Survey Question Bank is available both as a stand-alone resource and to help organizations craft evaluations that have both internal and external validity by aligning evaluation questions with other organization’s efforts. The Bree collects both questions and evaluation data in order to support question validation and reliability. More information on how to use the Question Bank is available on the Question Bank home page.
Making progress on implementation
This guide has been designed to make sure that your team can answer the who, what, when, how, and why of an implementation project for each of our reports before moving into the execution phase. We have employed a strategy of implementation levels in this IG in order to provide interested parties with manageable, step-wise actions to adapt guidelines into their unique context. These levels help support the five stages of implementation, which are: 1) exploration, 2) installation, 3) initial implementation, 4) full implementation, and 5) expansion and scale-up. Below is a summary of the Bree Collaborative Implementation levels.
Level 1:
Level 1 identifies activities, processes, and competencies for each guideline topic that address a minimum standard of care. Generally speaking, these are activities, processes, and competencies that medical groups or practitioners can accomplish internally. These activities may be centered around things such as training, system upgrades or basic in-house programs or processes (exploration, installation, initial implementation).
Level 2:
Level 2 processes and activities address a standard of care for each guideline topic that reflects increased integration and coordination with external partners. These activities may include things such as team-based care, tracking patients, or using population health managements (full implementation).
Level 3:
Level 3 encompasses activities, processes, and competencies for each guideline topic which include full coordinated care, exemplary patient-centered approaches, and measurement of change in patient outcomes. These activities may include things such as coordination with multiple partners or spreading practices throughout your organization (expansion and scale-up).