Guideline title: Collaborative Care for Chronic Pain Report and Guidelines
Publication Status: Active
Date of publication: 2018
Date of last evidence search: 2018
Scope: Patient self-management, minimum standards of care, care team, treatment, population health.
Methods: Current guidelines and literature review and expert consensus
Description: The goals for collaborative care focused on chronic pain with life activity impacts are improved function, increased quality of life, and greater patient autonomy rather than a primary focus on pain relief. The workgroup aimed to define areas within collaborative care unique to chronic pain with life activity impacts while also developing a system to recognize and limit the transition from acute and subacute pain to chronic pain. Ideally, both acute and chronic pain will be managed and treated over time using a systems approach to allow patients to stay within primary care supported by the minimum standards of collaborative care including: patient identification and population management, a care team, a care management function, basing treatments in evidence-informed care, and patient-centered supported self-management.
Supporting Materials
Letter from the Health Care Authority Accepting the Collaborative Care for Chronic Pain Recommendations
Collaborative Care for Chronic Pain Workgroup Charter and Roster