Foundation Program Sites

Perinatal Behavioral Health

Congratulations to our 2024/25 Bree Collaborative award winner for Best Practices in Perinatal Behavioral Health: MICROSOFT

Congratulations to our 2024/25 Bree Collaborative award winners for initiating the implementation of best practices for Perinatal Behavioral Health: COMMUNITY HEALTH PLAN OF WASHINGTON and BOEING

Read our Final Report and Guidelines

Implementation Support

Checklists: The checklist translates the Bree guidelines into action steps for that sector (i.e., clinician, health delivery site, public health, etc.). The action items have been arranged into levels 1, 2, and 3 to correspond to the difficulty level of implementing the action into the sectors’ setting. Bree staff co-created the checklists with report workgroup members and topic experts.


Perinatal depression is one of the most common pregnancy complications, affecting one in seven birthing people, and may contribute to adverse neonatal, infant, and child outcomes. Both the US Preventative Services Task Force and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommend screening for depression and anxiety during pregnancy and the post-partum period, as well as initiating treatment or referring to mental health care providers for maximum benefit.1, Despite these recommendations, stigma around mental illness, lack of insurance coverage for behavioral health, and structural barriers all prevent access to quality mental health care.

Read our Charter

Next Meeting Time Materials
January 8th 8:00 – 9:30am See below

Past Meeting Materials

Date Materials
January 2023 January Agenda
Draft Charter and Roster
USPSTF Maternal Mental Health
February February Agenda
January Minutes
Draft Charter and Roster
Discussion Slides
March March Agenda
February Minutes
Maternal Mental Health Frameworks for Discussion
April April Agenda
March Minutes
Behavioral Health Background and Logic Models
Evidence Review Brainstorm
Initial Evidence and Guidelines
May May Agenda
April Minutes
Draft Focus Areas
Draft Evidence Table – 0518
Evidence Discussion Slides – 0518
June June Agenda
May Minutes
Draft Evidence Table – 0612
Evidence Discussion Slides – 0612
Draft Recommendations – 0612
July July Agenda
June Meeting Minutes
Draft evidence table 0717
Evidence Discussion Slide-0717
Draft Recommendations 0717
August August Agenda
July Meeting Minutes
Draft Recommendations 0821

September Agenda

August Meeting Minutes

Draft Recommendations 0918

October October Agenda
September Meeting Minutes
Draft Recommendations 1016
November November Agenda
October Minutes
Draft Recommendations 
December December Agenda
November Minutes
Data Sources Powerpoint
January 2024 January Agenda
December Minutes
Final Draft (not yet approved)
Read our Charter

Workgroup Members

Name Title Organization
Colleen Daly, PhD (chair) Director, Occupational Health and Safety Microsoft