Beacon, February 25, 2025 A few years ago my neighbor lent me a book called Bruno, Chief of Police and it changed my life. It’s the first in a series of delightful novels set fictional village of Saint-Denis in the Périgord region (also called the Dordogne) of Southwest France. The protagonist, a former soldier turned…
I spent the last three months on maternity leave getting to know my daughter. She came into the world like most babies, unwillingly leaving behind a nicer, easier place for the cold and the bright of a hospital room. I can’t say that my first thoughts were of how the health policies we create now…
Since early this year, the Bree Collaborative has been looking at ways to best organize care to support people with chronic pain. One of the systems with the best evidence is through collaborative care. Collaborative care is based in primary care and uses a team-based care model with a care coordination or care management function,…
Every year we have the chance to step back, look at our work, and choose our topics for the next year. We would also love to hear input from our community about our new direction. Typically we follow a two-step process, having a wide-ranging discussion at the end of which we narrow down our choices….
Suicide is a preventable, public health issue. This is the framework from which our workgroup aims to develop standards for Suicide Prevention. We have been meeting since February, you can see our focus areas in our charter, and we welcome you to join us this month on April 12th. One topic that has come up…
Health Affairs’ blog recently published America’s “NICE”? discussing whether the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) is becoming our country’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). ICER was founded in 2006 as “an independent and non-partisan research organization that objectively evaluates the clinical and economic value of prescription drugs, medical tests, and…
Since January 2017, the Bree Collaborative’s Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias workgroup has been compiling recommendations to align care delivery for patients, as well as families and caregivers, with best practices using existing evidence-based standard of care for diagnosis, treatment, supportive care, transitions of care, delirium, and advance care planning. One of the most common…
This month I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Keith Wailoo, Professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University, when he spoke at the University of Washington Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine’s annual lecture. Dr. Wailoo spoke about his book, Pain: A Political History, giving a historical perspective of our nation’s…
Every year our members select new topics. This is an exciting time for our Collaborative – a chance to look back at our previous work and to think about how we can continue to help improve health care quality, outcomes, and affordability in our community. We will start our conversation on new topics at our…
The Bree Collaborative develops bundled payments or episodes of care in our Accountable Payment Models workgroup – we are currently re-reviewing our Total Knee and Total Hip Replacement Bundle and Warranty and invite you to be a part of this conversation here. The Health Care Authority is also working to transform our health care system. In…
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