Vaccines are a revelation – countless lives saved and countless more improved due to not contracting a disease. The rapid development, production, and dissemination of our newest vaccine, to SARS-COV-2, is an even more remarkable addition to this legacy. Even more, our collective ability to pivot gives us leverage to push back when anyone in...
Our Bree Collaborative website is now more fully part of the Foundation for Health Care Quality – see our new address here: All the content you know (and love) will be easier to access – you can see our past topics here and current topics including all meeting materials here: Cervical Cancer Screening Opioid...
At last week’s Bree Collaborative meeting we adopted an primary care recommendations as well as voted to adopt adding pediatric care to last year’s perinatal bundle. Read our Perinatal Bundle | Read our Primary Care Recommendations We have leaned into bundled payments to solve some of the quality issues for specific clinical services for a...
Nearly all of us have moved in some way or another into operating within the virtual space. My family spent a virtual holiday followed by a virtual new year’s celebration with family and friends. As a community, we have shifted to virtual clinical care, wondering all the while whether we are achieving the same outcomes...
As the Bree Collaborative closes out 2020, I cannot help but be proud that despite the stress and tumult, we continued to bring people together to channel frustration into insight and forward-thinking healthcare transformation. January and February saw the start of Amy’s visits to our pilot site clinics for in-person practice coaching and the initiation…
Through this pandemic, I have found great solace in the garden. As we move into November, I am watching my winter garden of broccoli, kale, and cabbage grow and am tucking my soil away for a period of winter dormancy. Winter can encourage (or force) us all to turn inward, especially as we are barred…
I have been thinking a lot about grief recently. How grief is deeply personal, is nonlinear in its stages, how it pervades every aspect of our lives regardless of our conscious awareness of the emotions in real time. I have been thinking about all the things there are to grief right now – the incomprehensible…
This first day of October I will be stepping into the role of interim CEO here at the Foundation for Health Care Quality. I am approaching this change with a deep appreciation for the work that we do at the Foundation and the humility appropriate to moving into a new space. In this role, I…
Your feedback is requested on our draft Colorectal Cancer Screening Report and Recommendations, Oncology Care Report and Recommendations, and Reproductive and Sexual Health Report and Recommendations. For all of these, we have created an online survey for your public comments that we estimate will take 10-15 minutes to complete. Comments must be received by 5pm…
The air is feeling heavy this month. Fires burning from my home county in California through the woods in Oregon and into our Washington backyard. I worry about the long-term effects of this air on my daughter’s young lungs, on the health of people who are pregnant and their babies, as yet another negative health…
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