Our recommendations are based in evidence. This means that when we look at a topic we look for an intervention or process that works and that does more good than harm. Most often, we do this by looking at published, peer-reviewed evidence or at systematic reviews that summarize existing published, peer-reviewed evidence. However, before we…
I hope everyone is spending ample time this summer relaxing on the beaches, in the mountains, or wherever you find joy. My goal is taking my toddler camping at each of our state’s National Parks (and visiting the excellent Klondike Gold Rush national historic park), getting more comfortable with camping (and life) being a messier…
Our team is growing. We are hiring a technical assistance manager to help us to improve health care quality, outcomes, and affordability across Washington State. This position will work with health care delivery organizations and systems, health plans, and other stakeholders to conduct gap analyses, assess barriers, and develop strategies to drive implementation of our…
Pregnancy and childbirth are life-changing, monumental experiences – for both parents and babies. This is, after all, how everyone starts out their life. All babies deserve the best start possible. But the United States is not doing all that we can. Our country has the highest maternal death rate among developed nations. More than 50,000…
I often say that I’m helping to build the type of health care experience that I want. We are all going to touch this system in some way – whether giving birth, treating an illness, or getting vaccines to keep us healthy. I don’t think other industries get to be as personal and as important…
The opioid epidemic was fueled by overprescribing of opioids – especially for conditions like low back pain where treatment with opioids is not best practice. Our Opioid Prescribing workgroup is focused on supporting people who have been prescribed chronic opioids – meaning prescriptions for more than 60 days. Our approach will be patient-centered and based…
Every year we select new topic areas. This is a chance to look back at our previous work and to think about how we can continue improve health care quality, outcomes, and affordability in our community. Do you have suggestions of new topic areas for us? We want to hear from you! Email me at…
The first week of April marks public health week. This year’s theme is For science. For action. For health. Most of us who work in the health care field deal with clinical care – those important interactions that help each of us remain healthy and deal with problems when they come up. Public health focuses…
When I talk with my doctors about my health and especially about my daughter’s health, I want and expect them to be respectful, base what they say in available evidence, and to help me understand the pros and cons of any decisions. Lucky for us we live in Washington State where our Health Care Authority…
Read our Recommendation Summary People who have chronic pain often experience frustrating, disjointed care. This can be hard for clinicians too because of barriers in referring to other types of providers and lack of support within an organization. For the past year, our workgroup has looked at the different ways that chronic pain is treated…
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