The Bree Collaborative develops bundled payments or episodes of care in our Accountable Payment Models workgroup – we are currently re-reviewing our Total Knee and Total Hip Replacement Bundle and Warranty and invite you to be a part of this conversation here. The Health Care Authority is also working to transform our health care system. In…
After twelve months of tireless work from our volunteers on the Behavioral Health Integration workgroup – I am more than pleased to tell you that our Report and Recommendations has been adopted by our Bree Collaborative members and sent on to the Health Care Authority! We could not have done this without our workgroup members…
At the Bree Collaborative we talk a lot about health care procedures that we don’t need – that don’t make us any healthier and may in fact hurt us. A recent Atlantic article on the epidemic of unnecessary treatment, When Evidence Says No, but Doctors Say Yes, is an excellent study of overused treatments and…
The Bree Collaborative is lucky to live within a diverse and vibrant health care community. Today, we are highlighting, and looking forward to attending, two spring conferences – the Hutchinson Institute for Cancer Outcomes Research’s (HICOR) Paying for Value: 2017 Value in Cancer Care Summit on Friday, April 7th and the Washington Patient Safety Coalition’s…
One of my favorite movies is Groundhog Day. Bill Murray is hilarious and thought-provoking as a weatherman cursed to re-live February second over and over until he can learn to be a better person. Perhaps this is a lesson for all of us in self-improvement, paying attention to our community, colleagues, and neighbors, and making…
As we gear up to the inauguration, many in the healthcare world are fielding questions from the public about the uncertain future of the Affordable Care Act. While even those of us “on the inside” don’t have all the answers, there were some bipartisan perspectives from the recent State of Reform Conference that we found…
Opioid addiction is driving the drug overdoses which are claiming too many lives in the US. In 2015 alone, 718 people in Washington state died from opioid-related overdoses. The epidemic is growing quickly, devastating Washington families and communities. There are many factors driving this crisis and nobody can solve it alone. Together the Washington Health…
Doctors and other health care providers take many types of measurements – between vital signs, screenings, lab tests, and x-rays, it can seem like things are constantly being measured. However, there’s one significant measurement that is often missing from the picture: the patient reported outcome. Hiding in plain sight, this is information that can only…
Most of us see our doctors in a fee-for-service system – this is where doctors and hospitals charge fees for each separate service they provide. Office visits, tests, procedures, and even microtasks like individual screenings can be billed separately. One major drawback to fee-for-service is rewarding quantity over quality. This type of payment model can…
Getting feedback from our community is an important part of how we develop recommendations. We want to make sure that our recommendations make sense; are reasonable for patients, health care providers, clinics, hospitals, health plans, and others; are based in the best available evidence; but still push our health care system toward higher quality and…
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