Foundation Program Sites


Communication and Resolution in Washington State

Despite the best training and intentions of healthcare professionals, about 1 in 10 patients is harmed by the care they receive. The ways in which healthcare institutions respond to patient harm is critical for restoring the relationship between patients and the healthcare system. When healthcare institutions respond unsympathetically and with limited information, it compounds the pain for patients, families, and healthcare providers. More importantly, a lack of transparency can inhibit the institution’s ability to prevent similar harm in the future.


Washington Patient Safety Coalition is proud to assemble a diverse group of stakeholders from across the state of Washington to reshape response to patient harm in healthcare. Our vision is a healthcare system in which patient-focused and transparent communication is the norm, and where effective, courageous and candid conversations among healthcare stakeholders enhance quality of care. We are doing this work by promoting the use of CRPs across the state, and incentivizing learning through CRP Screening and CRP Certification.

Read more on CRP Partners and Endorsing Agencies.