Foundation Program Sites


After an adverse event occurs, organizations utilizing a CRP response process may submit the event for CRP Screening or CRP Certification. Organizations should apply for CRP Screening if the CRP process is still ongoing and are seeking feedback and/or support of the current CRP response. Organizations should apply for CRP Certification once the CRP process has completed. Applicants for both CRP Screening and CRP Certification must submit the application and supporting documents to

Pre-Submission Criteria:

In order to submit a CRP Screening or Certification application, certain criteria must first be met.

  1. The submitting organization must have a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with the Foundation for Healthcare Quality. If your organization does not currently have a BAA with the Foundation for Healthcare Quality, please contact
  2. Contact to receive the CRP Screening or CRP Certification application. If you have any questions while working on either application, please do not hesitate to reach out.

**Events not eligible for CRP Certification: CRP events will not be considered for certification if evidence suggests any involved provider poses a significant risk of harm to patients including, but not limited to: gross incompetence, recklessness, provider impairment and intentional misconduct.


Submitting an Application:

Once the pre-submission criteria have been met, the applicant will work with CRP Certification Staff to security send and receive the application along with any supporting documents.


Review Panel meetings are held on an as-need basis. You will receive confirmation once your application has been received along with an expected timeline of when the review of your case will be completed.

Application Determination Options:

Within 30 days of submitting a CRP Certification application, the applicant will receive a CRP Certification report with one of the decisions highlighted below. Applicants for CRP Screening will receive a CRP Screening report with similar determinations, however, CRP Screening reports will be returned to the applicant within a shorter timeframe.

The case is certified as having satisfactorily resolved through proper application of CRP principles & process.

The case is NOT certified because there are gaps in the information submitted or remaining opportunities for the applicant to fulfill the essential CRP practices. The Review Panel will contact the applicant and alert them of the gaps and/or opportunities. Applicants will then have the chance to achieve these aims and submit an addendum to their initial application. This iterative process will repeat until no gaps and/or opportunities can be identified. At this time, the Review Panel will make a final certification decision.

The case is certified with contingency. This means that the Review Panel will certify the case if/when certain conditions are addressed. Applicants will be able to respond and have a chance to achieve these aims and submit an addendum to their initial application.