Foundation Program Sites


The Foundation for Health Care Quality Communication and Resolution Program (CRP) and CRP Certification were approved by the Washington State Department of Health Coordinated Quality Improvement Program (CQIP) on January 20, 2015. The purpose of CQIP designation is to improve the quality of health care services by identifying and preventing health care malpractice under RCW 43.70.510. 

Patient Safety Organization Protections:

The Foundation for Health Care Quality is a federally listed Patient Safety Organization following approval from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality on November 25, 2024. As a PSO, certain information submitted to FHCQ, including participation in CRP Certification or Screening, has federal confidentiality and privilege protections. Protected information is not subject to federal, state, or local subpoena or discovery; may not be admitted as evidence in a criminal, civil, administrative, or disciplinary proceedings; and is not subject to the federal Freedom of Information Act or similar state and local laws. Federal confidentiality and privilege protections apply in all U.S. states and territories, and across state lines.

Learn more about PSOs here.

Information Protections:

The CQIP designation of CRP &CRP Certification specifically provides the protection of collected information and documents shared within CRP Certification activities as stated in RCW 43.70.510

Disclosure Protections:

Information and documents specifically created for, collected, and maintained by an approved quality improvement committee are also exempt from disclosure under RCW 42.56.360 (1) (c)

Discovery Limitations

CQIP plans approved by the Department of Health are provided discovery limitations under RCW 43.70.510 (3) and (4)