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Foundation Office


Transcending the Checklist: Understanding Adopting and Evaluating Shared Decision Making

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Shared decision making is a key component of patient-centered care but can be misunderstood or rushed-through. What exactly is shared decision making, why is this so important to improving patient's experiences and involvement in their care, and how can providers use shared decision making in clinical care? This webinar will feature an overview of the...

Patient and Family Engagement Affinity Group

The WPSC is committed to including patients and families in improving healthcare and supporting organizations who lead Patient and Family Engagement activities. The WPSC is forming a collaborative networking “PFE Affinity Group” for healthcare patient and family engagement professionals leading PFE activities in any healthcare setting. The group’s charter can be found here. The WPSC...

Transcending the Checklist: Understanding Adopting and Evaluating Shared Decision Making

See Eventbrite

Now that you have gained a better understanding of how to define Shared Decision Making and its benefits in concept, it’s time to explore how to go about getting boots on the ground and putting these techniques into practice. This webinar will cover best practices and firsthand advice for adopting SDM, “transcending the checklist” to...

Patient Family Engagement Leadership Affinity Group

See Zoom Invite

What is the Patient and Family Engagement Leadership Affinity Group: A collaborative network made up of healthcare patient and family engagement professionals leading PFE activities. Purpose: Provide a forum for PFE professionals to engage and collaborate Facilitate shared learning Disseminate PFE best practices Contact Steve Levy ( or Kinsey Gray ( to find out more