Foundation Program Sites
Participating Facilities

“As an OB hospitalist, I am on the frontline and the most likely to receive a transfer from the midwives. Having a personal connection has proven invaluable and I can’t say enough about how much the communication established through the Smooth Transitions Program has helped with safe transfers of patients to our facility. We recently had a meeting at the nearest freestanding midwifery birth center which included labor and delivery nursing administration, charge nurses, and OB hospitalists, including our site director. We toured their beautiful facility, they showed us their triage, the birthing rooms, their safety equipment, the options they had available for medications. We then sat down as a group, did some myth busting, discussed some hard topics, and really gained an understanding of the barriers from all perspectives. It was one of the best team building experiences of my career. Shannon Bailey, MD FACOG, MBA-HCM, OBHG, Overlake Hospital/VMC/St. Michael Medical Center