Foundation Program Sites

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Addressing Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias in Washington State

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Join the Bree Collaborative on August 26, 2020 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm for a free webinar on our Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias Report and Recommendations . We will talk about implementation resources and hear implementation success stories from clinical partners. To view the Bree Collaborative Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias Report and Recommendations, please visit:...


Clinician Wellness & Endurance Strategies in the COVID-19 Era

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oin the Bree Collaborative and Comagine Health for a free webinar on August 19 from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm for a conversation with leadership and clinicians around the state on supporting the behavioral needs among front line physical and behavioral health staff. Hear from clinical partners on what has worked and what has not worked on...


Bree Collaborative Implementation Webinar

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Register now for the Bree Collaborative Implementation webinar all about Behavioral Health Integration! They will talk about implementation resources and hear success stories on implementing behavioral health into primary care settings from two community partners. RSVP HERE


Elevating Shared Decision Making to Uphold Health Equity Webinar

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November 14th | Shared Decision Making 103: Elevating Shared Decision Making to Uphold Health Equity Whether your organization has adopted or is in the process of adopting Shared Decision Making techniques, there are important elements to consider to ensure that your adoption of these practices is empowering to patients of all backgrounds. This webinar will...

Transcending the Checklist: Understanding Adopting and Evaluating Shared Decision Making

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Now that you have gained a better understanding of how to define Shared Decision Making and its benefits in concept, it’s time to explore how to go about getting boots on the ground and putting these techniques into practice. This webinar will cover best practices and firsthand advice for adopting SDM, “transcending the checklist” to...

Transcending the Checklist: Understanding Adopting and Evaluating Shared Decision Making

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Shared decision making is a key component of patient-centered care but can be misunderstood or rushed-through. What exactly is shared decision making, why is this so important to improving patient's experiences and involvement in their care, and how can providers use shared decision making in clinical care? This webinar will feature an overview of the...