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2022 NW Patient Safety Conference Speakers

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    Tuesday 11/18 Morning Keynote
    Jessie Singer
    “There Are No Accidents” will provide a history lesson and primer on unintentional injury death, including the current crisis, and the historical framings of injury causality. In a keynote presentation, I will provide stories of the corporate profitability of an “individual blame” model and evidence of the effectiveness of a systemic harm reduction model, as well as inspiration of the effectiveness of systemic injury prevention throughout history. I will also present a new conception of the “Swiss Cheese” model that accounts for social determinants of health.

    • Understanding the important differences in looking at “accident” causality through a human error vs.
    • dangerous conditions model; learning why we blame human error, and why it is a disastrous tendency; and
    • learning what’s possible when we incorporate social determinants of health into our conception of injury

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